Student Loan Calculator
In the U.S., there are several types of student loan providers: government and private. Federal and state governments provide the lion’s share of student loans in the country and offer the considerable advantage of being subsidized. This means that students are not required to pay interest on their student loans while they are still considered students. Therefore, the cost of public, subsidized loans is lower than those offered by the private sector. As a matter of fact, federal student loans have some of the lowest interest rates around and do not require cosignatories, simply proof of acceptance to an educational institution. For these reasons, more than 90% of student debt today is in the form of federal loans.
Student Loan Calculator
Student Loan Calculator
Repayment:: $/month
Total Payments: $
Total Interest: $
Before delving into student loans, governmental or private, remember that there are other options to consider. Grants and scholarships do not require repayment as loans do, and some of these can cover the entirety of a student’s education costs, preempting the need for a loan. Work-study programs exist for students who have financial needs and are able to work part-time. Students with extra disposable income can pay it towards schooling costs before taking out student loans to help decrease the size and length of their student loans, making them more affordable in the long run. Ideally, only after exploring these options should students resort to taking out some of the student loans described below